The Yaffe Lab is interested in understanding how signaling pathways are integrated at the molecular and systems level to control cellular responses. Our interest has particularly focused on signaling pathways and networks that control cell cycle progression and DNA damage responses in cancer and cancer therapy, as well as the cross-talk between inflammation, cytokine signaling and cancer. Additionally, our work is directed to understanding modular protein domains and kinases work together to build molecular signaling circuits. The research is multi-disciplinary and encompasses biochemistry, biophysics, structural and cell biology, engineering, and computation/bioinformatics.
Chronic inflammation and Cancer
Inflammation is like a double-edged sword. While it is an intricately orchestrated process designed to rid our body of invading material, inflammation has been also been shown to aid and abet cancer development. more >>
Protein kinases and DNA damage signaling
We aim to understand how protein phosphorylation controls progression through the cell cycle at the molecular level and how defects in phosphorylation bypass normal cell cycle checkpoints and lead to human cancer. more >>
RNA-binding proteins/ DNA-RNA damage
Recent work has implicated RNA-binding proteins as key molecular integrators that control the cellular response to DNA damaging agent and anti-microtubule drugs. more >>